License information
To shoot at the range, a minimum current Category A firearms licence with Target endorsement is required.
Any Style of Category A .22 calibre rimfire rifle is allowed, however single round loading only is permitted (No magazine is to be used).
Ammunition used must be .22 calibre rimfire standard velocity.
The majority of club activities involve the clubs own twenty spot targets for both Open Class and Light Benchrest Class. However, we do shoot other events, see EVENT RULES link. Target cost is included in the Range Fee.
Range Hours
The Club shoots on Tuesday and Thursday evenings 7.00 pm to 9.30 pm, and on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month from 9.00 am until 12.00 pm.
Our shooting range is a 50 metre outdoor range which is floodlit to allow for night shooting. Shooting benches and chairs are provided, and are located within a weather proof shelter.
Our Grades
Open Class and Light Benchrest grades are based on the best 6 scores submitted over two 6 month periods, January-June and July-December. The average is taken on your best 6 scores in the 6 month period which will give you your grade for the next 6 months.
Friendly Links
Range Costs
- Members $8.00 incl Targets
- Non Members $15.00 incl Targets
Full Memberships
- Single $70
- Family $85
- Junior $55
- Pensioner $55
- Single 50c
- 10 Pack $3.50
- 10 Pack Hunter $4.00